User Needs Statement:

Lionel the Architect needs a way to create personalized cupcakes so that he can share a personal gift that shows he understands his clients taste.

Five Big Ideas:

Functional Explanation of the 3D Cupcake Customizer:

The 3D Cupcake Customizer would be an application- either mobile or a web app- that allows users to create entirely custom cupcake orders. The app would have a recipe algorithm, so that Hoppers Cakes would be able to get the right size, color, and more- depending on what the user requires. The App would also display a live render of the cupcake so that the user has an idea of what their cupcake might look like. The user would use a range of sliders, color palette pickers, and check boxes to create the perfect cupcake. Other Big Ideas could be included with this app, is Hopper decides to get a 3D Cupcake Printer or a Cupcake Icing Printer.